Chasing Moon Shadows


Chasing Moon Shadows

I had always wondered why people would go to the ends of the earth to witness the totality of a solar eclipse. On August 21, 2017, I experienced it for myself in Columbia, Missouri. I now understand the attraction and the fascination. 


Finding Love Again


Finding Love Again

A long-time friend found love and married again. Since their wedding day, I've been pondering what kind of mental gymnastics it took to get both of them this far. Anyone that's been married knows exactly what I'm talking about.


Laying Down the Motorcycle


Laying Down the Motorcycle

Anyone who is familiar with Coldwater Canyon Avenue near Mulholland through the Hollywood Hills can tell you this winding road is a popular destination with motorcycle enthusiasts. For some, it can be hell.


Creativity and the Metaphysics of Quality


Creativity and the Metaphysics of Quality

I used to think creativity meant to have an original idea or thought that could be applied to a functional conclusion. But what I have found – from my early years as a graphic design student to my adult years as an art director and consumer – is that being “original” is often not enough.


The Colors of Seattle


The Colors of Seattle

Photo Journal: Upon my first visit to Seattle – a city known more for its gray skies, grunge music and cafe lattes – I found it surprisingly vibrant and colorful.


The Birthday Surprise (or How to Make God Laugh Without Really Trying)


The Birthday Surprise (or How to Make God Laugh Without Really Trying)

Woody Allen once said, “If you want to make God laugh, make plans.” God, I hate Woody Allen. My wife and I like to plan ahead. As the loving, caring parents that we are (i.e. since we didn’t get a lot of stuff growing up), we wanted to make sure our oldest son’s third birthday was a special one. Why can't these things be easy?


The Journey of a Thousand Miles...


The Journey of a Thousand Miles...

A few years back, when I started my quest for a graduate school education, I had no idea what I was getting into. All I knew was that no one wanted to be a graphic designer their whole life, right? Right? Uh, well, I guess not...
